Dec 31, 2015
In this podcast for HMF's January 2016 issue, Katherine McLeod, Betty Mutwiri, and Christina Denysek discuss their paper, "Development and implementation of the Saskatchewan Leadership Program."
To view the article, click here.
Nov 2, 2015
In this podcast for HMF's November 2015 issue, Guest Editor for the issue, Hy Eliasoph, MA, speaks with Janice K. Popp, MSW, RSW, and Ann Casebeer, MPA, PhD, about their paper, "Be careful what you ask for: Things policy-makers should know before mandating networks."
To view the article,
Jul 31, 2015
In this podcast for HMF's September 2015 issue, Madeline Ricottone, BSc Hons, MHA, speaks with Cholly Boland and Lynn Hall of Winchester District Memorial Hospital about her paper, "Reducing alternate level of care days at Winchester District Memorial Hospital."
To view the article, click...
Jun 25, 2015
In this podcast, Barb Pizzingrilli speaks with guest editor for HMF's July 2015 issue, Edgardo Perez, MD, MPH, FRCPC, CHE, CPHQ, and Dr. John Hirdes about mental health. Psychiatric and addiction disorders are becoming more prevalent worldwide, which has implications on Canadian health services.
To view the article,
Apr 21, 2015
Guest editor for HMF's May 2015 issue, Ken Tremblay, BSc, MHSc, CHE, FACHE, is a member of the Editorial Board with a career spanning many roles in and contributions to health leadership. In this podcast, he will discuss articles published in the issue and current trends shaping the policy, funding, and delivery of...